18. október 2024

Pracovné ponuky

Popis práce

For the support of our international team based in Bratislava, we are looking for an experienced candidate to fill the role of


To provide, (during Tender and/or Execution phases) contract financial support, dealing with administrative, contractual, financial and tax matters through a collaboration with Project Managers and guidance of Corporate Functions.

To secure customer payments means to be in close collaboration with Tender & Project Managers

* With Tender and execution teams, monitors contractual commitments (Coming into Force, notifications, payment milestones...) in line with group rules and guidelines.
* Manages customer billing and handles financials payment means, follow-up and secure payments in an effective and timely manner (via Letters of credit, credit insurances, bank guarantees, etc.)
* Ensures currency hedging under guidance of treasury corporate department
* Handles project specific tax activities under guidance of Corporate tax department ( registration, declaration, permanent establishment, …)
* Supports Tender & Project team in attending customer meetings, preparation of schedule of rates, credit and risk review, preparation of contractual documentation
* Reviews and highlights the key contractual, financial risks and administrative obligations of the project taking into account the customer context in order to enforce Schneider Electric contractual rights
* Reviews bond drafting versus corporate guidelines then prepare, submit and manage customer bond & bank guarantees up to final release.

Send us your CV, if you would like to…

* Develop your skills within professional environment - give your career a push and grow on a continuous learning path

* Work on interesting international projects

* Experience and apply innovative Schneider Electric’s approaches

* Have access to various types of technical and other trainings 

* Bring value to our customers in terms of sustainability 

* Have package of social benefits, including: annual bonus / life insurance / cafeteria system of benefits with budget of 510 EUR per year / 4 sick days per year / flexible way of working and home office option

* Have an access to referral program and employee assistance program

Who will you report to?

* You will be reporting directly to your line manager in France

What skills and capabilities will make you successful?

* University and/or Business School diploma in business administration, finance, contract, international trade or law

* 2 years of experience on a similar role in contract administration, international trade and/or finance

* Experience from corporate environment, you are strong in dealing with project based tasks and processes

* Digital knowledge, MS Office,  knowledge of SAP is advantage

* Fluent in English and Slovak language is mandatory

* Willingness for occassional travelling

* Curiosity, ability to learn and grow

Let us learn about you! Apply today.

You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us. This position will be posted until filled.

Požadované znalosti

EnglishAdvanced (C1)SlovakAdvanced (C1)SAP ProcessIntegration/ProcesOrchestration (PI/PO)BasicMicrosoft OfficeSkillful

Doplňujúce informácie pre kandidáta

If you are interested in this position, please send us your CV in English language. We really appreciate your job application. Please mind we will contact only candidates meeting our job requirements.
Thank you for your kind understanding.

Krátka charakteristika spoločnosti

Schneider Electric Slovakia spol. s r.o. je dcérskou spoločnosťou medzinárodného koncernu a na Slovensku pôsobí už viac 20 rokov. So sídlom v Bratislave a s obchodnými pobočkami v Košiciach a v Žiline, zamestnáva viac ako 160 zamestnancov.

Schneider Electric je svetový špecialista v oblasti manažmentu elektrickej energie.

Naše riešenia v oblastiach:
- Distribúcia elektrickej energie
- Priemyselná automatizácia a riadenie
- Automatizácia a bezpečnosť budov
- Inštalačné systémy a riadenie (domové elektroinštalácie + inteligentné budovy)
- Zálohovanie elektrickej energie a chladenie
- Riešenia pre zdroje obnoviteľnej energie

Našim prvoradým cieľom je úplna spokojnosť našich obchodných partnerov a zákazníkov, ktorým poskytujeme kompletné služby od poradenstva pri výbere a aplikácii výrobkov, cez školiace moduly Schneider Electric Univerzity, logistiku tovaru až po operatívne servisné záručné a pozáručné služby.

Schneider Electric má celosvetovo 160 000 zamestnancov vo viac ako 100 krajinách sveta.

Minim�lna hrubá mesačná mzda v EUR


Výškaka mesačnej mzdy

This is the minimum offered salary for the advertised position. Our priority is to find the best talents on the market and offer a fair and competitive final salary which reflects candidate's experience and professional qualifications.

Možný dátum nástupu


Typ pracovného pomeru


Zameranie, odbor

economics, finance, law, business administration

Dosiahnuté vzdelanie

Secondary with school-leaving examinationFollow-up/Higher Professional EducationUniversity education (Bachelor's degree)University education (Master's degree)

Názov spoločnosti


Charakteristika spoločnosti

Schneider Electric Slovakia spol. s r.o. je dcérskou spoločnosťou medzinárodného koncernu a na Slovensku pôsobí už viac 20 rokov. So sídlom v Bratislave a s obchodnými pobočkami v Košiciach a v Žiline, zamestnáva viac ako 160 zamestnancov.

Schneider Electric je svetový špecialista v oblasti manažmentu elektrickej energie.

Naše riešenia v oblastiach:
- Distribúcia elektrickej energie
- Priemyselná automatizácia a riadenie
- Automatizácia a bezpečnosť budov
- Inštalačné systémy a riadenie (domové elektroinštalácie + inteligentné budovy)
- Zálohovanie elektrickej energie a chladenie
- Riešenia pre zdroje obnoviteľnej energie

Našim prvoradým cieľom je úplna spokojnosť našich obchodných partnerov a zákazníkov, ktorým poskytujeme kompletné služby od poradenstva pri výbere a aplikácii výrobkov, cez školiace moduly Schneider Electric Univerzity, logistiku tovaru až po operatívne servisné záručné a pozáručné služby.

Schneider Electric má celosvetovo 160 000 zamestnancov vo viac ako 100 krajinách sveta.

Počet zamestnancov spoločnosti

150-199 employees

Hlavná oblasť pôsobenia spoločnosti, pre ktorú je pozícia obsadzovaná

Electrical industry

Pošlite životopis



Rozmýšľali ste o premiestnení Vašej firmy do daňového raja?

áno, už som tak urobil - 14.3%
áno pripravujem sa na to - 35.7%
nie nerozmýšľal som - 35.7%
nie nerozmýšľal som a ani tak neurobím - 14.3%
The voting for this poll has ended on: september 9, 2013

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